Saturday, July 14, 2007

UCH: A Key to Harvesting the Nations

In 1993, God stirred up our heart to catch the unreached kids young for Christ and raise them up to become God-fearing future leaders, church planters, evangelists, medical missionaries, teachers, etc. While we were yet praying, God began to open doors for the realisation of the vision as parents (from various unreached people groups) willingly began to handover their children to us to help bring them up.

That gave birth to what we today call the Unreached Children's Home (UCH). What we thought was a long term vision soon began to yield short term dividends as we see so many lives transformed literally from being the village idol worshipping and Muslim boys and girls to becoming sound Christian believers and instruments of reaching the unreached people.

Monica Omale (nee Ogwuche) served as pioneer missionary who handled the home. Her passion and interest in the kids was unparalleled. With her little upkeep allowance then, she kept and fed several unreached kids. One of the kids, Ayuba Ajikovi today is in the final year in secondary school. God has raised him up to be a formidable instrument in His hands. He has served as president of the Fellowship of Christian Students in the school where he attends for several years now.

The few occasions he travelled home on holiday gives us a lot of joy and hope that the nation of Kamberi will be harvested in a short while as he preach to his people in their cultural context and God backs him up with unbelievable results.This little beginning metamorphosed into a rescue ministry when Monica’s predecessor, Stella Ella found herself in a scene where a baby was to be buried alive with her mother six months after delivery. She literally rescued the baby from death.

Baby Blessing is a big girl now and growing very fast. Stopping her people from burying Blessing alive with her dead mother was a challenge of its own and the various infections she had sucked from the mother's breasts during her prolonged illness was another challenge. After several months of combined medical and spiritual battles, Baby Blessing is today a big girl under the motherly care of the current field leader, Mary Ojile. Today, Blessing, a Dukawa girl like others from various backgrounds in the UCH are growing fast to take over the responsibility of reaching their people.Worse than baby Blessing’s story is baby Victor.

The mother died when he was less than four months old. His juju priest grandfather had consulted his oracle and their demand was in line with their cultural practice which requires that he accompanies the mother. Victor was however fortunate that a compassionate relative who knew of the ministry of the UCH ran to inform one of the grace Foundations’ missionaries, Blessing Abafi. Moved by compassion, the missionary quickly ran to the scene and without struggle, she was handed over the child.The people were very sure that in a matter of days the baby will become a history because of how pale he looked.

To their dismay, the baby is still alive. The missionary named him Victor. His victory however depends on you as Victor still has a long way to go. He is constantly sick and need thorough medical attention. Victor is not fortunate to enjoy his mother’s breast milk but with fund he can enjoy better alternative. Victor needs your prayer and your financial support.

Beside Victor, baby Blessing and Ayuba Ajikovi, the UCH has other kids from Muslim and idol worshipping background who are today doing very fine in the Lord. Joy Yahaya is a form one student in Bethel High School. Salisu Chiroma, the grandson to the village head of Dir land was the first fruit of our work among the Dirawa people. He is one of the UCH kids. He needs our support and our care.

Daniel, Irimiya, Apollos and many others have the priviledge of growing up in the unreached children home. They are source of joy and keys to harvesting the nations but the challenges are enormous. Yet many other children are waiting for the loving arm of those who will embrace them through the ministry of the UCH.The UCH has some challenges which include inadequate upkeep funds, concerted demonic attacks on the kids and the usual teenage challenges.

Additionally, school fees are needed for those in secondary schools and school materials like textbooks and uniform are needed for those in primary schools. You can make a whole lot of difference for one of these kids via our UCH Distance Kids Adoption Programme.

If you feel led to support or make enquiries, write to:
Grace Foundation Inland Missions,
P. O. Box 2704, Jos-Nigeria.
Tel: 0803-7054214
Support should be paid directly into our account and communicated to us or Bankdrafts/crossed cheques payable to Grace Foundation Inland Missions.
Our Bankers: Standard Trust Bank - 01754817401111, Diamond Bank Limited – 0151060001167

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